lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

English Language Challenges

Well about this semester, I can say that in this short time it has been very exhausting, wherever I feel that I've learned and improved many things. I think that I am progressing in my English, because always It has been so bad, the most difficult to me is when I have to speak , I understand more when I read, but when I listen is so complicated. The English course in the university helps me to improve these things with the weekly blog, and video exercises, especially these, because I am very shy and film me speaking in English was a difficult experience, nevertheless I’ve learned a little more. 
In this moment I confess that I am scared (a little) for the final test, above all the oral test, I don’t want feel nervous because these could let me down. The English teacher’s says that when this happened, I should say: “I mean…” and continue speaking about everything. The matter will be about everything depending of the lucky!
I think to improve my English vocabulary this week watching TV series (in English, of course!) or kid movies without subtitles. Also I think that I could to chat on websites with someone, an American maybe that be interested in to learn Spanish. 
I hope continue using the English language outside the class, because I know that is very necessary, it’s not for nothing that it’s named the “universal language”, and to be sincerely I could like learn others languages too, but I need the English firstly .
Is the end of my blog :( bye everyone!

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Post 9: 2014 Have you had a good year?

Well, this year has not been a great year, because I had been very busy every time, ok, it is not bad, but sometimes I could like more time for me, to do other things also.
Anyway, I am not complaining because good things have happened in my life too, my uncle was father recently, and I have a new cousin!! Her name is Abigail, she is a baby! I love so much, before I didn’t like the babies, but now is different, because I love her :)
This year has been very runner, recently I was in filming of a TV project by my fourth year of career and this is a TV series, and its name is “Femmes”, I worked like proper and setting and this was very exhausting, but, the team has been great! I am satisfied with all! I received much help; I have very good friends, and above all my boyfriend. This year he received a new, he will travel from Cuba for continue his studies. He needs moneys, so... I have helped with that. We are organizing a Bingo, which will be in November 15.  All the people are invited!!
So…many things in little time, In this moment I like that semester finished quickly, but i have many works yet :( and I have to finish the investigation for I get a degree.
Now, I have many things in my mind, I should organize my ideas when everythings stopped!
I like to practice dance again, and go to the cinema and to eat out home. I need it.  

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

8 Money

I never was worried for this topic, the money, but at the time, I ve had to pay attention.
My fathers are separated, and my father gives me money every month. My mom doesn’t give money to me because she provide to my grandmother’s home and I live with her, my grandmother only has the basic pension , that is not enough. 
In the university I have many expenses , I have to eat, to take a transport every day, and especially I spend in my area, the films, it is so expensive, because we need many money , we have to pay actors, foods, transports, setting, props, etc. etc.
In this moment, I have scholarship, if I didn`t have, I didn’t can study.  And, also the scholarship give me a check every month. 
So…the money in this moment is so important, sometimes I think that ¿what I do if I were millionaire? Well…if I was millionaire with my films ( jeje) I give my money to create a foundation to dogs abandoned. Because this don’t exist and is so necessary. Sometimes the people walking for the streets and they seems invisibles  it’s so sad, because they feel cold and hungry like us.
If I didn’t have money I should to pawn my computer, I guess, because is the most expensive that I have, it is a Mac ( the apple draw). 
while, i am  continue to work in anything..:)

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014


Well I don’t know so much about the friendly practices with the environmentally, maybe, i listen something why important is that. I listen about the recycle, but in my home nobody separate the rubbish, I know that in other country there are many trash can depending of the kind rubbish, like plastic, organic wastes, glass bottles, for example . I really don’t have this habit, but I have other practices that helps to the environment, for example I am vegetarian, it is not renowned but the meat industry is very contaminate, because the cows emit CO2 to the air like the cars, and the food`s cows are not grass, it was grains generally soya grains. All this food should use to feed other peoples, and not for the cows, because they sick , and they will died, it’s so cruel.
I know, the meat is so rich, but I prefer don’t eat for that reasons. And in feel better so.

Also I prefer use the bike, I hate the cars and the buses, I hate transantiago, I hate santiago

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

6- A piece of new

The most popular new in the last time that I have seen in the papers or television, it has been about the new epidemic called Ebola, I really don’t know so much about this, but I know that sickness is very dangerous to the people, and many people has past away, especially in Africa.
The virus could start for the blood or fluid contact with an infected human or animal. The firstly symptoms are muscular or headache, weakness, fever and vomits.
When started all this? I don’t know! Someone says that this is a new sickness created in the laboratories, but in the news says that it should started in Guinea, in the south east in a village. The first infected was a child with two years old, and he died, but in this moment the sickness was not famous, and the child infected many people before to die.
Now, there is a collective panic in all countries, because there is many deceased and the sickness progress so fast, and don’t confirm an official medicine.
It’s very scary. In my country, Chile, it has been suspicious case, but yet, these was not confirm. The Last case was happen in Quilpue, but it was dismissed. 

I think that WE AREN'T PREPARED for this kind of emergencies, because even in regular conditions can treat our patients. The health system is a business like education and this is so cruel, I mean, they are basic needs for everybody. 

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


I’ve worked in many places and doing many things, because always I need to work to I can support me, for example, I worked delivering pamphlets , sometimes I am waiter , even I worked in chemical laboratory, but my ideal jobs don’t were that, because my interesting is to have something work related with cinema.  In the university I was worked in some things cinema’s area like camera, edition, sound, script, but my favorite area were the art direction, actor’s direction and maybe the image postproduction.  I would like to specialize in these topics. I don’t know if I will do here or other country, because in other country I would can to know many others things, and other cultures, I like it.  I think that I would like to design the esthetic films, to work with colors and composition, create settings, but I think that I will need more studies for that.

If i was asked in a job interview I would say that my strengths are the creative artistic, because I like to experimental forms, create and innovations news possibilities. weaknesses were the shyness and insecurity of myself, because at first I am very shy to impose my ideas, because I think that I can to work in that.
For this moment i don't worry to work in any area because always i need the money :(

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

my best friends?

best friends? mmm I really think that it is so difficult to me, because i've never had a only one friend, i've had many best friends along my life, for example in the primary school my best friend called Paula and with her we were inseparables along for the primary school, i was very jealous with she because in this time i wanted to be only with her, until I had to change schools, and in that moment i had to learn to be more friendly. Well, when i change of school i had many friends, girls, because i was in a girls school for two years. But two years is a short time for to make new friends. In the secondary school i had many friends too, but my group was two friends, Paula  (the same name, again) and Milly. Together we were the water molecule! ( because we studied chemical) . I have many fond memories of all my friends, but today i don't hardly ever get together, each one is in their world. My best friends in the University was two: CECILIA OYADANEL and OSCAR ROMAN. ( i know that they will read this post) and i want to say that i hate them and i love them (<3).
and that is all the best friends histories. But, if i  had to choose my best friend of the life...that would be my mom :)  . She is the most unconditional.
That's all. Bye!