lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

8 Money

I never was worried for this topic, the money, but at the time, I ve had to pay attention.
My fathers are separated, and my father gives me money every month. My mom doesn’t give money to me because she provide to my grandmother’s home and I live with her, my grandmother only has the basic pension , that is not enough. 
In the university I have many expenses , I have to eat, to take a transport every day, and especially I spend in my area, the films, it is so expensive, because we need many money , we have to pay actors, foods, transports, setting, props, etc. etc.
In this moment, I have scholarship, if I didn`t have, I didn’t can study.  And, also the scholarship give me a check every month. 
So…the money in this moment is so important, sometimes I think that ¿what I do if I were millionaire? Well…if I was millionaire with my films ( jeje) I give my money to create a foundation to dogs abandoned. Because this don’t exist and is so necessary. Sometimes the people walking for the streets and they seems invisibles  it’s so sad, because they feel cold and hungry like us.
If I didn’t have money I should to pawn my computer, I guess, because is the most expensive that I have, it is a Mac ( the apple draw). 
while, i am  continue to work in anything..:)

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