lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

English Language Challenges

Well about this semester, I can say that in this short time it has been very exhausting, wherever I feel that I've learned and improved many things. I think that I am progressing in my English, because always It has been so bad, the most difficult to me is when I have to speak , I understand more when I read, but when I listen is so complicated. The English course in the university helps me to improve these things with the weekly blog, and video exercises, especially these, because I am very shy and film me speaking in English was a difficult experience, nevertheless I’ve learned a little more. 
In this moment I confess that I am scared (a little) for the final test, above all the oral test, I don’t want feel nervous because these could let me down. The English teacher’s says that when this happened, I should say: “I mean…” and continue speaking about everything. The matter will be about everything depending of the lucky!
I think to improve my English vocabulary this week watching TV series (in English, of course!) or kid movies without subtitles. Also I think that I could to chat on websites with someone, an American maybe that be interested in to learn Spanish. 
I hope continue using the English language outside the class, because I know that is very necessary, it’s not for nothing that it’s named the “universal language”, and to be sincerely I could like learn others languages too, but I need the English firstly .
Is the end of my blog :( bye everyone!

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Post 9: 2014 Have you had a good year?

Well, this year has not been a great year, because I had been very busy every time, ok, it is not bad, but sometimes I could like more time for me, to do other things also.
Anyway, I am not complaining because good things have happened in my life too, my uncle was father recently, and I have a new cousin!! Her name is Abigail, she is a baby! I love so much, before I didn’t like the babies, but now is different, because I love her :)
This year has been very runner, recently I was in filming of a TV project by my fourth year of career and this is a TV series, and its name is “Femmes”, I worked like proper and setting and this was very exhausting, but, the team has been great! I am satisfied with all! I received much help; I have very good friends, and above all my boyfriend. This year he received a new, he will travel from Cuba for continue his studies. He needs moneys, so... I have helped with that. We are organizing a Bingo, which will be in November 15.  All the people are invited!!
So…many things in little time, In this moment I like that semester finished quickly, but i have many works yet :( and I have to finish the investigation for I get a degree.
Now, I have many things in my mind, I should organize my ideas when everythings stopped!
I like to practice dance again, and go to the cinema and to eat out home. I need it.